sobota, 12 sierpnia 2017


  1. Earliest to bed?
  2. Earliest to wake up first?
  3. How long have you been together?
  4. If possible, what would your partner eat every day?
  5. If your partner could be married to a movie star, who would it be?
  6. If your partner could listen to one song for the rest of their lives what would the song be?
  7. If your partner could choose one thing for you to get rid of, what would it be?
  8. If your partner was ever in Jail, what would be the reason?
  9. What city was your partner born?
  10. What does the most housework?
  11. What is your partner most likely to waste money on?
  12. What is your partner’s eyes color?
  13. What is your partner’s favorite cuss word?
  14. What is your partner’s favorite movie?
  15. What is your partner’s favorite thing about you?
  16. What is your partner’s least favorite thing about you?
  17. What is your partner’s most likely to get famous for?
  18. What is your partner’s most repeated sentence or phrase?
  19. What is your partner’s shoe size?
  20. What item of yours would your partner throw out at the first opportunity?
  21. What was your first road trip together?
  22. What’s your partner’s favorite song?
  23. What’s your partner’s favorite sports team?
  24. Where did you meet each other?
  25. Where did you share your first kiss?
  26. Where was your first date together?
  27. Who buys the best gifts?
  28. Who calls their parents the most?
  29. Who chooses where you eat for dinner?
  30. Who chose the current car?
  31. Who cleans the house more frequently?
  32. Who does the grocery shopping most of the time?
  33. Who does the laundry?
  34. Who has the craziest family?
  35. Who is better at keeping secrets?
  36. Who is better at sports?
  37. Who is dresses better?
  38. Who is more likely to be running late?
  39. Who is more likely to get a traffic ticket?
  40. Who is more likely to kill a spider?
  41. Who is more romantic?
  42. Who is pickier about where you live?
  43. Who is the better cook?
  44. Who is the better dancer?
  45. Who is the better kisser?
  46. Who is the loudest?
  47. Who is the messiest?
  48. Who is the most organized?
  49. Who loses things the most?
  50. Who loves the other more?
  51. Who made the first move?
  52. Who makes the bed?
  53. Who mows the lawn?
  54. Who picks your vacation spot?
  55. Who planned the honeymoon?
  56. Who remembers family and friends’ birthdays?
  57. Who said “I love you” first?
  58. Who spends more money?
  59. Who spends more time on social media?
  60. Who watches the most TV?
  61. Who works out more?
  62. Who would drive on a road trip?
  63. Who has more clothes?
  64. Who has more shoes?
  65. Who’s your partner’s celebrity crush?
  66. Whose idea was it to play this game?
  67. Worst habit of your partner?
  68. Would your partner prefer dinner or a movie?
  69. If your home was on fire and everyone important was out what item would your partner go back in to save?

  1. What is the most interesting thing about me?
  2. If you could change something about me, what would it be?
  3. How did we meet?
  4. What is my favorite color?
  5. What is my favorite tv show?
  6. Who’s my favorite actor?
  7. Who’s my favorite actress?
  8. Who’s my favorite celebrity?
  9. Something you know about me that you know, but I’m not aware that you know?
  10. Am I a kind person?
  11. Mention three things I probably don’t know about you?
  12. Who’s my favorite author?
  13. Closest you’ve come to dumping me as a friend?
  14. How long do you think our relationship is going to last?
  15. When was the last time we went for an outing?
  16. Between the both of us, who takes more time to get dressed?
  17. What would be your reaction, if I win a lottery?
  18. What is my favorite animal?
  19. What are my allergies?
  20. What is my favorite sport?
  21. What’s my favorite quote?
  22. Rate my cooking skills? Thumbs up or Thumbs down?
  23. Rate my driving? Thumbs up or Thumbs down?
  24. Rate my dress style? Thumbs up or Thumbs down?
  25. Would you help me hide a body?
  26. Mention two things you dislike about me?
  27. What year was I born?
  28. What is my middle name?
  29. What is the easiest way to make me happy?
  30. What is my favorite music band?
  31. Am I a morning person?
  32. Am I a lazy person?
  33. Have I ever undergone any surgery?
  34. Am I a miser or a spendthrift?
  35. Describe me with a brand of car?
  36. Am I scared of the dark?
  37. Am I scared of heights?
  38. What do I suck at?
  39. What is my favorite music genre?
  40. What is my biggest talent?
  41. My favorite ice cream flavor?
  42. How do I like my coffee?
  43. How do I like my men/women?
  44. Who’s my favorite male musician?
  45. What is the one thing I cannot do without?
  46. Do I prefer flats or heels?
  47. What is the silliest thing I constantly worry about?
  48. When is my birthday?
  49. How many siblings do I have?
  50. What is my favorite piece of clothing?
  51. Do I believe in paranormal activities?
  52. Who’s the last person I kissed?
  53. What age will I get married?
  54. How many kids will I have?
  55. Is there something you have not told anybody in the world including me?
  56. Do I presently miss anybody?
  57. Do I have any weird phobia?
  58. Do I like cartoons?
  59. What would be your reaction if I suddenly stopped talking to you?
  60. Who is my worst celebrity?
  61. Something I can be caught dead wearing?
  62. Something I cannot be caught dead doing?
  63. Am I a good dancer?
  64. Am I shy or bold?
  65. How will you rate our friendship?
  66. When you get married, will I remain your best friend?
  67. If I get murdered, who would you suspect?
  68. Can I talk my way out of a speeding ticket?
  69. If you wanted to send me to jail, how will you do it?
  70. If I moved to another town, would you visit?
  71. Can you donate a kidney to me?
  72. If you knew my partner was cheating on me, would you tell me?
  73. If you caught me sleeping with your spouse, would it affect our friendship?
  74. If you become wealthy, would I benefit from your wealth?
  75. You just won the Lottery and shortly after I was kidnapped, my abductors are asking for your lottery winnings as the ransom payment, would you pay?
  76. Do I bite my nails?
  77. What color is my room wall?
  78. What is my worst nickname?
  79. What is my relationship status?
  80. What is my worst subject?
  81. What is my zodiac sign?
  82. What kind of laptop do I have?
  83. Which of us do you think will get married first?
  84. Which of us has the best hair?
  85. Which of us has the best sense of style?
  86. Which of us has the biggest appetite?
  87. Which of us is most likely to get into an Ivy League school?
  88. Which of us is the best at keeping a secret?
  89. Which of us is funnier?
  90. Which of us is lazier?
  91. Which of us is more athletic?
  92. Which of us is more attractive?
  93. Which of us is the most creative?
  94. Which of us is street smarter?
  95. Which of us is book smarter?
  96. Which friend is the weirdest?
  97. Which of us is likely to be richer?
  98. Which kind of music do I like most?
  99. Which of my parents do I look like more?
  100. Which song do I like most?
  101. Which sport do I like?
  102. Which sports team do I like most?
  103. What’s the last message I sent to you?
  104. What’s the last picture I posted online?
  105. When was the last time I was in the hospital?
  106. What is the most stupid thing we have ever done?
  107. What’s the most annoying thing I have ever done to you?

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